Welcome to the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE website!

The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster brings together the European know-how, technologies and experience in geo-energy, with an emphasis on its SMEs’ offer and a focus on deep geothermal energy.

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE currently represents over 600 members, including 300+ SMEs, from 23 EU countries, and covers the entire deep geothermal value chain.

Working together to go beyond frontiers

In the context of climate change and energy transition, the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster is a voluntary and open alliance of complementary clusters focusing on sustainability and the transition to a decarbonized and sustainable use of geo-energy.

The vision of the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster is to develop a stronger and more integrated European sustainable geo-energy sector, especially as far as Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are concerned, with an initial focus on geothermal energy deployment and a two-fold strategy, consisting in:

- contributing to the industrial deployment and market uptake of sustainable & decarbonised geo-energy, starting with deep geothermal, in Europe and across the world:

- helping the European geo-energy SMEs increase their business and export the European know-how and experience outside Europe.

The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster has been initiated within the “GEO-ENERGY EUROPE- Geo-Energy for the XXIst Century“, EU COSME supported project, under the “Clusters Go International” call for projects, and Grant Agreement N° 783387, see section on COSME programme and GEO-ENERGY EUROPE initial funding

The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project started in January of 2018 for a duration of 2 years and involves 8 partners from 7 EU and COSME participating countries: POLE AVENIA (coordinator) and GEODEEP in France, EGEC in Belgium, Geoplat in Spain, GeoEnergy Celle in Germany, CAPES in Hungary, Geoscience Ireland, and JESDER in Turkey, see map of partner clusters and target markets in About section

The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme Grant Agreement number: 951195 (2020-2022)

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE in a nutshell
EU Countries
200 K
EU funding
third country markets
Working together to go beyond frontiers
#geothermal #geoenergyeurope

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