E-USE (aq)
Europe wide Use of Sustainable Energy from aquifers
Project type:

District Heating

Project Leader:
ITECON Ingenieria y const
Background & context:

The goal is to avoid the consumption of natural gas to heat a semi olympic swimming pool, using renewable energy with little amount of investment, with geothermal technology DCL, used before in others building like hotels, residential buildings, etc.
The interest of the local council manager to become this little village in a reference with a relatively new technology, that takes advantage of the energy stored in aquifers, available 24/7.

Project Summary:

Conventional cooling and heating energy systems until today in sport and pool centers, are based in gas or fuel boilers and heat pumps, each of one using a huge amount of energy because of their poor coefficient of performance.
Nules is a little town placed 20 km at the south of Castellón de la Plana (Valencia region - Spain)
The Nules pool sports center is a facility for more than 25,000 people having different services, and one 12.5 x25m indoor pool

Project achievements & innovative aspects:

We got a reduction of 65% in cost and emissions, in daily use of this facility only heating the water, and yet, another contribution could improve even more the efficiency of the whole system, like profit this geothermal system to generate district hot water, or profit simultaneously free cold energy while heating the water of the pool.
We are sure much more energy will be saved when the system is fully functioning.
The high efficiency of the system, the low investment and time required, make this type of technology the best proposal today to reduce very importantly the consumption of thermal energy in any type of building, taking advantage of the energy stored in aquifers.

Project Funding:
Project Budget:
Website / Further Information: